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Cranberry BBQ Sauce & Pulled Turkey Sandwiches

25 Nov

Did you all survive the dreaded black Friday?  I personally turned into a hermit.  Seriously.  I didn’t ever leave the house that entire day.  The sheer fear, dread, and anxiety of being trampled to death had me hold up like a recluse, refusing the venture out into the wild unknown.  I decorated from Christmas instead.  It was perfect.

Lets talk some leftovers.  I know…I know…I’m still at it.

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Turkey Apple Melt

14 Nov

This. Is. Possibly. The. Greatest. Sandwich. Ever.

If you find yourself belly up in couch cousins the day after tha Thanksgivins feast smorgasbord food-o-rama extravaganza, feeling extra lazy and extra hungry come lunch or dinner time I’ve got a superb recipe for you.  Actually this isn’t really a recipe.  It’s just a great sandwich idea.  Perfect for leftover usage of the Bird.

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BBQ Chicken “Nachos”

11 Nov

Let me tell you a wittle seetwet.  I like to eat cheese.

Lots of cheese.  Fried cheese, cheese quesadillas, grilled cheese sandwiches, baked bree cheeses, lasagna, or basically anything that has a generous layer of cheese coating it, I’m going to be a big supporter.  So as you can imagine, nachos hold a special place in my heart.

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BBQ Chicken "Nachos"

11 Nov

Let me tell you a wittle seetwet.  I like to eat cheese.

Lots of cheese.  Fried cheese, cheese quesadillas, grilled cheese sandwiches, baked bree cheeses, lasagna, or basically anything that has a generous layer of cheese coating it, I’m going to be a big supporter.  So as you can imagine, nachos hold a special place in my heart.

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Classic Chicken Tacos With Cabbage Slaw

4 Nov

Mexican food.  Why do I love you so much?  I have been smitten for as long as I can remember, and I don’t think my burning love for thee will ever smolder.

 Simple chicken tacos with cabbage slaw.  I mean, it’s so easy, we’ve all seen it done 10,000 times, but yet, I still find myself completely satisfied and happy when I make them and consume them.

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Green Chili Chicken Soup

1 Nov

Recovering nicely from a sugar hangover?  Did you feel the need to take a slew of Ibuprofen this morning, wear dark sunglasses, and avoid loud noises and bright lights?  Yeah…(sigh) me too.

So this healthy, easy soup is totally my ticket back to normalcy from the candy mayhem bender that I ventured upon.  Let me tell you, I looked into the glorious sugary face of evil and it was not pretty.  It was unspeakably beautiful.

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Loaded Chicken Sausage Potato Skins

29 Oct


My life, my real  life, started late one fall night as a cowboy in perfectly broke-in jeans and a stetson walked into it.  And yes, I’m totally aware at how this sounds.  But it’s true.  You all should know.

I get sentimental and nostalgic this time of year, particularly the end of October when my world was forever changed in the most magnificent way.  Now before you spike your computer out the nearest window and throw up a little in your mouth because of my sappiness, I promise I’m getting to the good stuff.

I thought I needed to make this man, this cowboy, happy and bake loaded potato skins.  These are so perfect for a pretty fast easy supper, or a great football/party appi.









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Buffalo Jack Chicken Wings

23 Oct

Hey you guuuuyyyyys (Shouting in Sloth from The Gooney’s voice)!!!

Oh my goodness, oh my goodness, oh my goodness SAKES!  These wings!  They have a slight resemblance of cherub wings, don’t they?  Just majestic and magnificently scrumptious!

I’m sorry for the over use of explanation marks!  Ijustcannotstop.  I get a little excited.  Kind of like when I start to slightly, unintentionally, yell when I get all hubbub about certain things.  Sometimes I’m just screeching away and the cowboy calls me out.  It usually goes something like, “Adrienne, why are you yelling I’m right here”?  Well I’m just passionate okay…and I get caught up in the moment. JA-HEEZ.

These waaangy-wangs.  MMMMM-mm.

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Lightened Up Mexican Mac & Cheese

18 Oct

I want that cheese to be my blankie.  I want to curl up under it and sleep like there is no tomorrow.

Maybe I’m currently thinking of a little shut eye because of all that nail biting, teeth grinding, jaw clenching I’ve been doing due to this political campaign.  I wasn’t really even effected until recently.  I think it’s because the big election day is nearing and I’m getting nervous.  Like the first day of 7th grade, nervous.  We’re talking BIG deal nerves a-going.

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BBQ Cheddar Stuffed Turkey Meatball Sliders

11 Oct

What is it lately?  I feel I’m developing into a man.  Whoops.  That is NOT  what I mean.

Letmeclarify: I have been developing “man like” cravings, or some might say small child cravings.   Not that I’m turning into the witch from Hansel and Gretel, and wanting to gobble children.  Although, I wouldn’t mind living in a house entirely made of candy.  I mean can you image all the possibilities?

I’m wanting to gorge my face on things like little chicken fingers, tater tots, and mac-n-cheese.   So naturally I needed to have a meatball slider to round out my favorite eats lately.


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