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Thanksgiving Leftover Turkey, Kale, & Sweet Potato Hash

23 Nov

This could very well be my favorite day of the year.

I love waking up and knowing there are loads of leftovers awaiting me in my fridge.  I’m talking awesome leftovers too. So many  options and possibilities.  The breakfast hashes, the TURKEY SANDWICHES, the turkey soups, turkey pot pies…aww lawdy!  I can ramble on and on and on.

By the way, how was your Thanksgiving?  Did you manage to lounge around, and have a lazily food filled day, or did you have to dodge shrapnel and landmines at forced or uncomfortable family gatherings?  I defiantly had an amazing day full of fabulous food and wonderful family.

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Apple Cinnamon Sandwich

8 Nov

I like to think of myself as a Pollyanna.  Not always, but in my perfect world; I am Pollyanna.  Trying to see the all the good and positive in life.  Giving the benefit of the doubt, and always using linen napkins.

Oh, I also like to use a star cut-out on whatever I can get my little fingers on.  In this case it was coring my apples.  That’s just me.










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Mini Banana Muffins With Peanut Butter Yogurt Frosting

2 Nov

I don’t know why I do these things.  But I do.

I love to frost up breakfast muffins and pretend like I’m eating cupcakes for breakfast.  But only they are healthy, AND my frosting is yogurt and peanut butter.  Yes this is real life.  Isn’t it wonderful?

I’m just going to say it.  Bravo.  Bravo, you little kitchen lady.  Congratulations for creating a healthy breakfast “cupcake”.  This little brain child was born out of pure love for peanut butter and banana.  But, I get bored with certain things 30 minutes prior to them even happening.  Especially my food.

Hence the so hip and super trendy breakfast cupcake creation, done up in pure Adrienne Fashion.

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Cocoa Almond Swirled Pumpkin Snack Bread

24 Oct

I’m off to see the wizard, the wonderful wizard of Oz.  I’m getting ready to human cannon ball myself to Nevada for a nice long weekend.  But before I go I needed to show you this.

Yes, I call it “snack bread” this way I feel justified eating it at any given hour of the day or night.  It’s just how I do things.

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Toasted Walnut Pumpkin Butter

19 Oct


Before we get any further I need to offer my condolences about all of my pumpkin shenanigans.  It will let up very soon, I promise.  Just not at the current place and time.

BUT if you do hippity-hop over for a slumbie party make sure to bring your My Little Pony sleeping bag and a hankering for breakfast.  Because I’m secretly 83 years old and I get up at  5 every morning I will most liking be tinkering about the kitchen, making you breakfast.  Probably in a “healthy” carb form of some kind.


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Maple & Yogurt Covered Almond Granola Bars

10 Oct

On no particular morning at 5:30 am I embarked out to go swim laps at our local swimming pool.  I have a few questions, imeanobersvations, that I want to share with you.

Why is it when men swim, they seem so sexy?  They get broad shoulders and six packs.  They even pull off the whole swim cap and goggles regimen.  Women…well that’s another story and let me just say, we don’t master this look as gracefully.

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Jalapeno Cheddar Corn Bread Muffins

8 Oct

So guys.  This weekend.  It started out innocently enough and ended in total mayhem.  What started out as a perfectly-crisp-October-morning ended in me almost getting strangled on a mountain top.  I blame the cowboy.

This person, this man that I co-habitat with loves to hike this mountain by our home.  I’m down with that, sometimes.  Usually I’d rather spin or go to my favorite workout class, but I decided I would join him on this outing.  He kept claiming he started taking this “hard” way up the mountain. Yeah, hard, I’ve done that mountain many a time, and it’s not that hard, I think to myself.  Wrong.  Adrienne, you are SO wrong.

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Apple Crumble Bread With Maple Almond Swirls

2 Oct

I cannot help myself when I get like this.  I become this varmint creature who appears to have taken many uppers.  I get a million little lists going in my head of things I need to do.

On the top of this list is making this bread.  I saw an apple bread recipe that gave me the inspiration to create this.  I cut out a lot of sugar, oil, butter, cream cheese, and the list goes on.  But I did add some pretty awesome little things here and there.  Enter maple almond butter surprise inside.  I know-wha.

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Chocolate Chip Fig Cake

25 Sep

Whoa Nelly.  Nellers.  Nellie-he-hum.

This cake.  Lwady, this cake.  I feel so naughty eating it.  Almost like I’m up to something inexplicably bad and socially unacceptable.

I can only describe this feeling to parallel purse snatching or high jacking a car.  Now, now…I’ve done neither of these but I’m just guessing this is what it feels like.  I have however seen a good bag or two in my day, and I’ve been tempted to grab and go.

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Pumpkin & Fig Granola

23 Sep

Fall hath landed.  The doors of summer have closed, and I’m standing in front of that open window of fall like a giant gorilla.  A goofy lopsided smirk plastered upon my face.

Happy Fall, officially!

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