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Cocoa Almond Swirled Pumpkin Snack Bread

24 Oct

I’m off to see the wizard, the wonderful wizard of Oz.  I’m getting ready to human cannon ball myself to Nevada for a nice long weekend.  But before I go I needed to show you this.

Yes, I call it “snack bread” this way I feel justified eating it at any given hour of the day or night.  It’s just how I do things.

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Browned Butter Pumpkin Cupcakes With Yogurt Salted Caramel Frosting

15 Oct

Since Halloween is quickly approaching and it happens to be one of my FAVORITE holidays.  So, I felt I needed to share some life lessons/thought out tips for not only sheer survival, but pure enjoyment of fall & Halloween.

1. If you find yourself opening yet ANOTHER can of pumpkin, hey it’s okay.  I fully give you my love & support.

2. If you find yourself searching Etsy for the perfect bow tie so your little pooch can be a business man/lady for Halloween, we’re still doing good.  Might I suggest the polka dotted one?

3. If you feel as though you have stepped into quicksand in Trader Joe’s candy isle, marveling away at the possibilities, eyes agleam, I’m totally with you.  Go ahead, and embrace this.

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Apple Crumble Bread With Maple Almond Swirls

2 Oct

I cannot help myself when I get like this.  I become this varmint creature who appears to have taken many uppers.  I get a million little lists going in my head of things I need to do.

On the top of this list is making this bread.  I saw an apple bread recipe that gave me the inspiration to create this.  I cut out a lot of sugar, oil, butter, cream cheese, and the list goes on.  But I did add some pretty awesome little things here and there.  Enter maple almond butter surprise inside.  I know-wha.

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Chocolate Chip Fig Cake

25 Sep

Whoa Nelly.  Nellers.  Nellie-he-hum.

This cake.  Lwady, this cake.  I feel so naughty eating it.  Almost like I’m up to something inexplicably bad and socially unacceptable.

I can only describe this feeling to parallel purse snatching or high jacking a car.  Now, now…I’ve done neither of these but I’m just guessing this is what it feels like.  I have however seen a good bag or two in my day, and I’ve been tempted to grab and go.

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Coffee Struessel Bundt Cake

25 Aug


Weekend Breakki.

Is there anything more satisfying than a laid back breakfast?  Maybe cracking creme brule with a spoon, or the first feel of fall, or seeing a man pedaling a unicycle up a long mountainous highway.  For me I think it’s the first one.


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Salted Pea-nutty Ice Cream Cake

15 Aug

What I’m about to disclose is going to get a little hairy.  Not like hair in the food, or back hair, or caterpillar eyebrows, or anything gross and unappetizing.  I mean dicey, touch-and-go if you will… Did I just ruin everything?

I live with a small man child.  This being said; he requested an ice cream cake for his Berffday.

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Blueberry Crumble Bars

26 Jun

Hey, I just met you, and this is crazy.  But here’s my crumble, so try it maybe?  It’s hard to look right, at you baby, but here’s my crumble, so try it maybe.  Your stare was holdin’, crumbly pecans, blueberries showin’ hot night, wind was blowin’ where you think you’re going, baby…

So I haven’t been listening to Carly Rae Jepsen or anything lately.  I gotta keep up with all the cool kids, know what I mean?

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Banana Breakfast Cake

8 May

Cake for breakfast.  That’s a big ole yes.  Ten four, roger that.  I am a lover of all things sweet, naturally.  Us sweeties tend to love the nectarous things in life.  But, I’m not such a lover of sweets that I would snarf down chocolate cake for breakfast.  Well technically in the perfect world, I would.  Lets just be honest, but my heart would hate me.  Therefor I treat that ticker good and try to create healthy versions of the good, bad for you stuff.

This banana bread is the perfect combination of moist, sweet, and slightly chewy texture.  It’s really not even close to cake.  But it’s way funner to eat when I’m calling it cake.  It’s like I’m having this grand ole time.  Visions of parades drift through my noggin.  Me on a ginormous float, front and center high above the crowds waving gracefully, like a beauty queen.  Monumental crowds of people whirling little American flags and cheering.  Little men in funny hats driving tiny cars zipping around and around my massive float.

I just made healthy seem quite, particularly, kinda flabbergastingly glamorous.   Boom, bam, pow.

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Chocolate Peanut Butter Malt Ball Cake

1 May

Chocolate peanut butter malt ball cake.  Sweeter words have I never uttered.  Sometimes a girl gets a hankering for something extra special.  That’s what this little cake is.  Special.

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Hot Fudge Cheesecake Bites

21 Apr
Cheesecake- I have to say I’m not the biggest fan.  But these, these little bites are quite lovely.  I like these…
I adapted this recipe from my Mama’s hot fudge cheesecake.  These are perfect little bites!  Instead of making an entire cheesecake get your fix with little mini treats!  These are perfect for a get together and kids love anything they can pick up and eat.
I know it says “hot fudge” but really there is not hot fudge here.  So I guess I kind of fibbed.  The JoJo’s count as the hot fudge part, okay?