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Pecan Pie Brownies

16 Nov

BIG, I’m talking big things are happening at the Country Girl Cooks headquarters.  By headquarters I’m referring to me, my laptop, and my antique pine farmhouse coffee table that I do most of my editing.  Changes are a happening for my little blog.  Thanks to the help from a wonderful web designer.  I’m having it worked on as we speak, therefore I probably won’t be able to do much posting over the next few days.

I wanted to keep all of my imaginary friends in the loop.  No I haven’t went on a hiatus, never to be seen or heard from again.  I’m still kicking around at large, whipping up recipes and cooking away.  It’s coming on Thanksgiving after all.  So I will leave you with this last Thanksgiving inspired post for the time being!






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Rocky Path Brownies

5 Nov

I think I’ve been seriously shirking on my blogging duties as of late.  I find myself with my hands in my armpits wondering what just happened!  Where am I?  What is going on?

It’s that Gone Girl book!  I cannot stay out of it.  I’m about 1/3 of the way into it and I am hooked.  Seriously HOOKED.  I am totally caught in the middle of the brilliant writing and seriously serious mind games.  Like, SERIOUSLY.  Have you read or heard of this masterminded genius book?









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Dark Chocolate Cookie Dough Cups

12 Oct


Remember those amazing candy bar bites I posted a few short days ago?  Well I’m still reaping the benefits.  I keep finding new little things to poke them into.  Literally.  Now I’ve went totally A-wall and put them into mini chocolate cups.

Seriously…they taste just like cookie dough.  BUT…(dun, Dun, DUN) that good old filling is  a mixture of nuts, oats, and maple syrup.

Have doth tried yee?


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Candy Bar Dough Bites

28 Sep

This is what happens when a sweet tooth gets over powered by a more sophisticated and rational side.  As you know, I’m all about maturity and poise here folks.

I love being fancy and wearing evening gowns and elbow length gloves to dinner on a regular basis.  I seldom can be found in my kitchen in yoga pants, hair tousled into a perfected side braid, blathering on about the high prices of organic goods at the normal grocery store.  Cowgirl boots are never a staple in my wardrobe, and I always iron my sheets.

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Chocolate Chip Fig Cake

25 Sep

Whoa Nelly.  Nellers.  Nellie-he-hum.

This cake.  Lwady, this cake.  I feel so naughty eating it.  Almost like I’m up to something inexplicably bad and socially unacceptable.

I can only describe this feeling to parallel purse snatching or high jacking a car.  Now, now…I’ve done neither of these but I’m just guessing this is what it feels like.  I have however seen a good bag or two in my day, and I’ve been tempted to grab and go.

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Salted Pretzel Peanut Butter Brownies

11 Sep

I’m sorry I’m about to do this to you.  No, really I amski.

Have I ever told you that story about Honey Salted Pretzel Peanut Butter Brownies?  Well, here it goes.

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Dark Chocolate Caramels

23 Jun

Yes it can be done.  I did it so I live to tell about it.  I like to think of myself as an adventurer.  I like to really dance around dangerous territory and fear nothing and no one.  In my kitchen that is.  I have no problem walking on the wild side from time to time.  I like to wear cowgirl boots with sundresses and obnoxiously large flowers in my hair.  I like to whip up strange combinations of things that might be considered taboo.  Maybe I’m just a fierce woman.

I was jonsing for some dark chocolate with caramel.  You all should know nothing will ever taint my love for chocolate.

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Homemade Peanut Butter Cups

22 May

I think it’s about time in our relationship to come clean.  I have been a peanut butter cup junkie for as long as I can remember.

Really, I recall Halloween night of every year of my youth, sitting down in the living room after we had gotten home from trick-or-treating and dumping out all of my loot.  From there I would assess the situation, and start to take inventory.  My sister would do the same thing, and so would commence the annual trading and dividing of the assets.  I always bartered my lame-o Hershey’s Crunch bars for her Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups.

Chocolate and peanut butter, there is no better combination.  The two are meant to be together.  Married and blissfully happy for all eternity.  But, really anything with peanut butter is a shiny penny in my eyes.  If you don’t like peanut butter or chocolate, I’m not sure how our relationship can continue.  Just playing, just playing.

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