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Mini Banana Muffins With Peanut Butter Yogurt Frosting

2 Nov

I don’t know why I do these things.  But I do.

I love to frost up breakfast muffins and pretend like I’m eating cupcakes for breakfast.  But only they are healthy, AND my frosting is yogurt and peanut butter.  Yes this is real life.  Isn’t it wonderful?

I’m just going to say it.  Bravo.  Bravo, you little kitchen lady.  Congratulations for creating a healthy breakfast “cupcake”.  This little brain child was born out of pure love for peanut butter and banana.  But, I get bored with certain things 30 minutes prior to them even happening.  Especially my food.

Hence the so hip and super trendy breakfast cupcake creation, done up in pure Adrienne Fashion.

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Jalapeno Cheddar Corn Bread Muffins

8 Oct

So guys.  This weekend.  It started out innocently enough and ended in total mayhem.  What started out as a perfectly-crisp-October-morning ended in me almost getting strangled on a mountain top.  I blame the cowboy.

This person, this man that I co-habitat with loves to hike this mountain by our home.  I’m down with that, sometimes.  Usually I’d rather spin or go to my favorite workout class, but I decided I would join him on this outing.  He kept claiming he started taking this “hard” way up the mountain. Yeah, hard, I’ve done that mountain many a time, and it’s not that hard, I think to myself.  Wrong.  Adrienne, you are SO wrong.

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Morning Glory Muffins with A Honey Yogurt Drizzle

21 Sep

Sometimes, just sometimes I resemble a weasel on Meth when I catch a wiff or a tasty-tast of something extra special.  I cannot say these are my proudest moments, but it does happen occasionally.  We all have our problems.

Unfortunately, this was one of those times in those darker hours.


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Cinnamon Apple Crumble Muffins

30 Aug

It would appear I just had a harvest festival right in my moth bone.

I know I’m a little preemie on the whole fall, harvest, autumn, gathering thing.  But I can’t help it.  It calls to me, like Dwight Yoakam.

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Pumpkin Crunch Raisin Bran Muffins

17 Jul

Hey look guys.  My cereal is in the form of a muffin.  That was nice of it, wasn’t it?  Raisin Bran can be a little dullsville, but these little ditties are quite lovely.  I went ahead and had two without regrets, I do this with most everything that is in the form of a baked good.

Can’t help it, it’s just the way I roll, or shall I say muffie.  Muahahahaha.

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Whole Wheat Cornmeal Berry Muffins

15 Jun

It is the small things that make you appreciate life.  The way cool evening summer air feels as it breezes through an open window, the smell of cookies baking in the oven, roosters crowing at dawn, and Vienna sausages stuck into strange men’s beards.

These muffins made me forget about my little spooky encounter with an unkempt gentleman in the produce section at the grocery store.  The cornmeal mixes so sweetly with the berries in these muffins, even better than a beard mixes with Vienna sausages.

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Pumpkin Oat Banana Muffins With Cinnamon Maple Glaze

28 May

Oh my gosh, right?  I thought these were needed.  I stood in the kitchen this morning scratching my armpits with a bleak look on my face.  I needed something amazing to start my day off right.  It was the weekend after all.  Weekends call for leisurely breakfasts.  Pinkies up, it gets fancy around here.

Why is it that people only bust out the pumpkin in the fall?  Well I welcome pumpkin into my life with arms wide open.  It can come into my kitchen and bless me with it’s tastiness anytime it pleases.

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Whole Wheat Banana Apple Muffins

23 Apr

Oh sweet little muffins.  I adore you.

I took these over to Granda’s house for brunch the other morning.  They were perfect with a big plate of fruit and fig butter.  I ate 1 at home while they were still hot.  I then ate another 2 at Grandma’s.  But hey, whatevs- there is nothing bad in these little babies…

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